Read more about the article The Top WordPress Security Issues You Should Know
WordPress Security

The Top WordPress Security Issues You Should Know

The fact that WordPress is user-friendly for beginners is a significant factor in the platform's immense popularity. It enables rapid content publication. Additionally, the CMS provides an abundance of modules and themes that can be utilized to personalize the site.…

Read more about the article Best WordPress Security Plugins To Secure Your Site
AbdulTech News | WordPress Security Plugins

Best WordPress Security Plugins To Secure Your Site

The WordPress security plugin defends and secures your WordPress website from malware, brute force attacks, and hacking attempts. Many website owners I speak with believe that WordPress security is a plugin or a service they must purchase. The opposite could…

Read more about the article WordPress 5.7 (Added New Features You Should Know)
AbdulTech News | WordPress 5.7

WordPress 5.7 (Added New Features You Should Know)

With this new version, WordPress brings you fresh colors. The editor helps you work in a few places you couldn’t before—at least, not without getting into code or hiring a pro. The controls you use most, like changing font sizes,…