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Typical Traffic Infractions That Result In Automobile Accidents

When drivers break the rules on the road, they endanger both themselves and other people. Each year, police officers in Atlanta and other Georgian cities issue hundreds of thousands of traffic penalties.

According to Ride Safe Georgia, more than 800,000 traffic citations are typically issued each year for three specific infractions by local police officers and state troopers from the Georgia State Patrol. Speeding, driving while intoxicated, and failing to wear a seat-belt are those three specific offenses.

Since the Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C. was founded in 1993, we have obtained more than $1 billion in settlements and verdicts for families in Georgia, so our knowledgeable Atlanta car accident attorneys are well aware of these circumstances. Get in touch with us right away to discuss your legal rights and alternatives if you were hurt in a car accident.

What traffic infractions frequently result in auto accidents?

Numerous car accidents frequently include one or more of the following five offenses listed as the primary contributing factor:

1. Speeding

According to Ride Safe Georgia, over 600,000 traffic tickets for speeding are issued by law enforcement each year in Georgia. These drivers frequently result in severe high-speed collisions.

Because: Serious auto accidents caused by speeding frequently include:

  • In order to prevent collisions, speeders have less time and space to slow down.
  • When compared to an automobile moving at the posted speed limit or less, speeding has a much higher impact.
  • Particularly while driving at high speeds on highways, speeding drivers frequently create multi-vehicle, chain-reaction car accidents.


2. Impaired Driving

According to Ride Safe Georgia, law enforcement officials in Georgia issue 50,000 traffic tickets annually for driving while intoxicated. All around the state, though, intoxicated drivers continue to cause serious or fatal car accidents.

According to figures gathered by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, around 400 persons per year in Georgia are killed in drunk driving accidents involving an impaired driver (NHTSA). Additionally, many more people suffer injuries yearly in the state as a result of drunk driving incidents.

3. Breaking Traffic Regulations

Traffic signals put on the road are frequently disregarded by one driver, which results in car accidents. This may consist of:

  • Not coming to a stop at the sign.
  • At an intersection, running a red light and colliding with another vehicle.
  • Refusal to yield
  • Disregarding the posted speed limit on a highway or public street.

4. Driving While Distracted

In Georgia, it is illegal to text and drive. Nevertheless, many drivers continue to text while driving and cause fatal incidents. The only type of distracted driving that frequently causes accidents, however, is texting.

Among other instances of distracted driving that commonly cause serious collisions are:

  • Driving while using a phone.
  • Searching for directions.
  • Driving and eating.
  • Making radio adjustments.

Even conversing with other passengers while driving can be distracting, especially if there are other teenagers in the car with the young driver. An NHTSA study found that a juvenile driver is three times more likely to be in a distracted driving accident if there are two or more adolescent passengers in the car.

5. Reckless Driving

Everyone on the road is at risk when drivers are aggressive or careless. Driving aggressively can involve:

  • Weaving through traffic, especially when traveling at motorway speeds.
  • A rear-end collision is caused by tailgating and excessively close following of other vehicles.
  • Road rage might include purposely striking another automobile or even forcing them off the road.


If another driver committed a traffic law and caused an accident that damaged you, you might believe that you don’t need an attorney to obtain compensation for your damages. Regrettably, these kinds of accusations sometimes result in protracted court battles.

Keep in mind that the insurance provider has a financial motive to compensate you as little as possible. If you don’t take care, you can miss out on the compensation to which you are legally entitled in Georgia.

To preserve your rights and advance your interests, you should have an accomplished attorney on your side.

SOURCE: Garry Martin Hays Blog

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